Thursday, January 11, 2018

SuperSU Pro

What is SuperSU Pro?

SuperSU Pro is the best ever rooting tool in the 21st century.  Right now over millions of users have been already using this great tool for all kinds of rooting purposes. Always SuperSU Pro tool gives the best things for the users. In this point, SuperSU Pro is at its best. The great developer chainfire released the next version of SuperSU Pro also to the public. With the releasing of the new version of SuperSU Pro to the public users, get number of benefits rather than a normal Android rooting tool. Moreover, SuperSU Pro is not only a rooting tool, security guard, SuperUser Access Management tool, and lots more user facilities have been added to the users by the developer chainfire team.

Importance of SuperSU Pro?

Whatever function given to the users the main process of SuperSU Pro is to give the root access to the Android devices. With the help of this main process, any Android user can easily access the root mode of the Android devices. Because of the strict restrictions of the Android devices, users have to face number of annoying issues, breaking all the restrictions and make the Android device user-friendly according to the choice of the users, are the main process of SuperSU Pro. Those all process are complete secure. Rooting process is activity, which have to deal with the operating system of the Android device. Because of this reason when users choose a rooting tool users must have to choose a secure Android rooting tool for the process, like SuperSU Pro. Right now Chainfire added number of new security features for the end users. With the help of those security features, any Android user can get the maximum secure level to the Android devices.

Other features of SuperSU Pro

SuperSU Pro mainly named as the best ever multi-functional rooting tool. In addition, this is the only rooting tool, which have this feature in built. With the help of this feature, any Android root user can manage all the SuperUser Access Privileges of the apps, which are installed in the rooted Android device. With the help of this feature rooted Android device can be protect from various kinds of threats, which can cause for the rooted Android device. This is an extra feature of this great tool SuperSU Pro.

  • FBE detection on SU Kernal improved.
  • SuperSU is compatible with the Pixel XL, Google Pixel and also multiple brands of Android 7.1 systems.
  • Privacy Policy is the additional feature.
  • SU Kernal also updated.
  • Samsung KNOX detection was added with Security Log Agent.

SuperSU Pro Download

Right now SuperSU Pro is compatible to any Android version. Without any mess any user can deal the rooting process via any Android version, specially with Android Nougat and Android Oreo versions, those are the latest versions of SuperSU Pro. Moreover all the downloads are complete free of charge right now. 

Video Tutorial 

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