Tuesday, January 9, 2018

SuperSU Pro with Android Nougat

Importance of SuperSU Pro

SuperSU Pro just not a fresh term for all Android users. Simply can be named as the best ever rooting tool, which gives bunch of uses for the end users. Right now SuperSU Pro become the most essential rooting tool for all Android users. If any user switched to the rooting process that user defiantly, have to use a rooting tool for the process. Right now there are bunch of rooting tools available in the Android market, among them SuperSU Pro become the most useful and high performances rooting tool right now.

Why we use SuperSU Pro?

No need to think more, this is the best rooting tool in this century. Chainfire who is the great developer behind this great work, done a great job by developing this amazing tool to the public. Right now Android rooting is a process that much popular among the all-Android users. The main process of SuperSU Pro is root the Android device. Rooting is a process, which use to get the full functions of the Android device and active all inactive features of the Android device. Because of the strict restrictions of the Android devices, users have to face number of issues when using the Android device. If any user wants to run any kind of third party application on the device, that user defiantly have to switched to the rooting mode to complete the process, as well as if any user wants to do any kind of third party customization that same fate, user have to face. Because of this reason, users can’t get the full functions of the Android device. However as a solution for this annoying matter SuperSU Pro come to the public as the best solution for this matter and best rooting tool for all Android users.

SuperSU Pro with Android Nougat

Right now Android Nougat version is already in the public.  With the release of the new Android Nougat, most of the users have been try to use this amazing Android version. However, when using the new Android Operating system users found some annoying issues in the operating system. Because of absence of root privileges on the Android Nougat, firmware users have to face number of issues when doing any kind of third party customization on the device. However, with the release of the new Android version Android 7.0 Nougat version to the public, chainfire who is the great developer released the next version of SuperSU Pro version to the public with compatible to Android Nougat version. With the release of the SuperSU Pro Android Nougat version, except Android Oreo version any Android version can be easily rooted within seconds. Especially SuperSU Pro is a one click Android rooting tool, which gives number of stunning features for the end users.

SuperSU Pro latest version features

In the latest version of SuperSU Pro there are bunch of new features have been introduced by the developer chainfire.

·       OTA survival mode.
·       Full color-coded command content logging.
·       Pre app user overrides along with logging configuration.
·       Pre App PIN protection and PIN Protection.
·       Provides you Super User Access.
·       Get Temporary unroot for your Android Devices.
·       Non standard shell locatios are available.
·       Works in Recovery mode.
·       Works with non-standard Shell location.
·       Provide a backup script for surviving.
·       Four Selective options to select a theme.
·       Provides PIN code protection.
·       Pin protection for apps.
·       Adjust Auto deny on the countdown

SuperSU Pro Download

Right now any Android user can download the latest version of SuperSU Pro for any Android device or version free of charge. Moreover, SuperSU Pro have a complete secure download process. With the help of that without any threat cause for the Android device, any user can download the latest version of SuperSU Pro.

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